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Since 1996

5 Common Winter HVAC Problems – Fight the Cold

Your HVAC system works hard during the winter months to keep you warm and cozy in your home. This constant work can result in a couple common problems. It’s wise to be aware of these potential issues and be on the lookout for them so you’re not left out in the cold this winter. Keep reading to learn about the 5 most common HVAC problems during winter so you can fight the cold! 

1. Uneven Heating

We don’t like to assume things, but we know most of us hate being cold in our homes during the winter. We want our homes to be cozy, the place we feel most comfortable. Oftentimes, many homeowners experience uneven air flow and temperatures as it gets cold outside. To combat this issue, check your home for any gaps or cracks around your doors and windows. These tiny spaces can allow a surprising amount of warm air out and cold air in. You should also ensure your thermostat is working and your air vents are open. 

If none of these options solve the problem, your ducts or filters could be clogged. Have a professional out to inspect your ducts and give them a good cleaning.

2. A Cold Home

Have you ever felt like you’re constantly cranking up the heat, and yet your home never gets warm enough? Don’t worry, this could be a fairly simple fix. Your thermostat regulates your household temperature, so if it isn’t working, your HVAC system won’t perform as expected. Inspect your thermostat to see if the issue is something as simple as a dead battery or a miscalibration. If problems persist, don’t hesitate to call the professionals. 

If the thermostat is not your issue, this could be a sign it’s time to replace your system. When you call Environmental Comfort Systems, we will come out, inspect your unit, and give you the best advice on how to handle this situation according to your needs. If there is a simple fix, we will do it and be on our way. However, if it’s time to replace your system, you can trust us to do so with the utmost care and professionalism. 

3. Dry Air

Dry, cracked skin and lips are a common sight during the winter. Although, it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way. Homes with low humidity can make your skin feel dry and itchy as well as damage your hardwood floors and wooden furniture. Dry air holds less heat, so it is important to have enough humidity in your home to keep it warm and keep your skin from getting dry. Consider getting a humidifier for those cold winter nights to ensure you maintain proper moisture levels. 

If you’re in the market for a new comfort system, newer models operate with optimal humidity control so you don’t have to do a thing!

4. Heat Cycling

Heat cycling is when your heater begins turning off and on far more often than usual. Heat cycling can be an indicator of several things including a dirty blower or filter, a malfunctioning thermostat, or something more. Nevertheless, you should call a professional to take a look, as heat cycling can quickly wear down your system, lowering efficiency and raising your utility bills. 

5. Carbon Monoxide Leaks

Carbon monoxide leaks are something to be very aware of, especially if you have a furnace heating your home. Carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, presenting a major concern for homeowners. Leaks can occur in older systems which have developed cracks over time. Always have a carbon monoxide detector nearby your furnace and take any notifications it provides very seriously. Consider enrolling in a maintenance plan like our ComfortCare Club to have your system regularly inspected by the professionals. This can help catch any concerns before they get out of hand.

Give Us A Call!

If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our technicians are experienced with a wide range of issues and are here to keep your home comfortable this winter. 

Call Environmental Comfort Systems at (256) 308-0032 to speak with your trusted American Standard Heating & Air Conditioning Customer Care Dealer in Decatur, AL today. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more helpful information regarding your HVAC system.


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